Chartered Management School of Distance Learning (CMS)
(Registered with the Education Department of The Hong Kong SAR Government) |
CMS乃具30年歷史辦學機構 Charter Management Association (CMA) 之聯系學校。CMS乃香港教育署註冊之註冊學校 (註冊號碼:543942),現開辦多項證書、高級證書、文憑、高級文憑及專業文憑課程,畢業學員可申請相關之專業學會會員資格,並可繼續進修學位課程。
1. Diploma in Management Studies (DMS)
2. Advanced Diploma in Management Studies (ADMS)
3. Diploma & Advanced Diploma in Business Administration
4. Diploma & Professional Diploma in Internet Marketing
5. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Property & Facilities Management
6. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in E-Commerice
7. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Corporate Governance & Directorship
8. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Enterprise Directorship
9. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Financial Planning
10. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Corporate Financial Strategy
11. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Logistics & Transport Management
12. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Hotel and Tourism
13. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Accounting and Finance
14. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Knowledge Management
15. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in International Marketing
16. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Property for Housing Managers
17. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Property & Facilities Management
18. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Project Management
19. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Computing Studies
20. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Integrated Management
21. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Crisis and Risk Management
22. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Recreation & Sports Management
23. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Trust Management
24. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in IT Accounting
25. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Liberal Studies
26. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Relationship Management
27. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Psychology
28. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Counselling Psychology
29. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Public Administration
30. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Six Sigma
31. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Public Relations and Communication Management
32. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Purchasing and Merchandising Management
33. Advanced Diploma & Professional Diploma in Customer Service & Supply Chain Management
本校之榮譽贊助人乃澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員及黃星華GBS, OBE太平紳士(香港政府前房屋司兼教育署署長)。 贊助人乃李鵬飛CBE太平紳士,全國人大港區代表及張有興CBE太平紳士,前國際獅子總會港澳303區總監,香港立法局議員兼市政局主席。學術顧問委員會成員包括:區永熙BBS太平紳士 (全國政協委員,Honorary President of The Asia Pacific MBA Graduates Association, Senior Member of the Hong Kong Board of Academic Advisors, Teikyo Post University (1890) 4 On-Line Bachelor Degree (Final Year) Programs, and Senior Member of the Board of Academic Advisors, Hong Kong Chapter of The CCSU Alumni Association, Central Connecticut State University (1849), USA), Dr. William Chan (Committee Member of The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers and Approved Tutor of the MBA programme in Hong Kong, Heriot-Watt University (1821), UK), Mr. David Chan, MBA, BA (Hons), MCHMA, ACHAD, MCITD, FCAFA, AFCS, FSBP,M.Inst.CM, FCCA, AHKSA, ACIS, ACS (Approved Tutor of the MBA programme in Hong Kong, Heriot-Watt University (1821), UK), Mr. Desmond Chan, B.Bus, MBA, AHKSA, CPA,Lecturer of Master of Practising Accounting, Monash University/HKUSPACE and CPA Examination Marker, CPA Australia, Melbourne Head Office, Mr. Chan Kwong Wing,MBA, RSO, RSA, RSP, Part-time Lecturer of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Mr. Tien Chau,MBA (MIT), Regional Head of Risk & Cash Management (Regional Corporate Treasury Director), Philips Electronics Asia Pacific, MIT Financial Engineering Track Steering Committee, Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation, Stanford Executive Program in Corporate Strategy, 鄭宇碩教授 (Honorary President of The Asia Pacific DBA Graduates Association), Professor Peter Vernesoni, 美國康州州立中央政府大學教授,蔣世昌議員,MH (Honorary President of The Asia Pacific BBA Graduates Association,前博愛醫院總理,市政局財委會主席兼北九龍獅子會會長) ,Dr. William W. Chu 趙偉欣局長 (Hong Kong Ambassador 香港親善大使,Honorary President of The Chartered Management Association), Professor Dr. Alexander Chu, Fellow and Senior Member of the Board of Academic Advisers, Asia Pacific DBA Graduates Association, Dr.R.K. Dhir (Honorary President of The Chartered Association of Accounting And Finance, and Honorary President of The Chartered Association of Financial Accountants), 何成偉會計師,FCAAF, FCAFA, AFCS, MCHMA, MCHAD, MAPCA, CPA(英國企業財務會計師學會 (香港分會) 高級顧問,特許會計及財務協會高級顧問,及特許財務會計師協會高級顧問), The Hon. Dr. O.S.K. Kizango, MP, Member of Parliament (國會議員),Honorary President of The Asia Pacific VIP Association (亞太名人協會), Honorary President of The Asia Pacific DBA Graduates Association, and Senior Member of the Board of Academic Advisers, Asia Pacific CEO Association (亞太行政總裁協會),葉泳倫會計師,FCAAF, FCAFA, AFCS, MCHMA, MCHAD, MAPCA, CPA (英國企業財務會計師學會(香港分會) 高級顧問,特許會計及財務協會高級顧問,及特許財務會計師協會高級顧問), Dr. Richard Lai雷聲隆博士(Honorary Vice President of Business Students’ Union (HKUST), 前立法局議員兼香港生產力促進局署理主席),Dr. Desmond Lee 李汝大名譽領事,Honorary President of The Association of Certified Management Association (公認管理協會) 及前立法局議員,Mr. Edward Y. Lee, MA, BA, FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA (Senior Member of the Board of Academic Advisers, Chartered Association of Directors (特許董事協會),香港美國總領事館前商務署商務專員,Former Director of The State of Alabama Far East Office), Mr. Norman L. Li李樂民局長 (Hong Kong Ambassador 香港親善大使,Honorary President of The Chartered Association of Directors (特許董事協會), Mr. Tony Leung, FCHMA, FCAPS, FCATE (Honorary Director of The Chartered Association of Property And Security, Honorary Director of The Chartered Association of Technology And Engineering, and Former Member of the Panel of Advisers, Professional Diploma in Real Estate Administration Course, SPACE of the University of Hong Kong), Mr. Sam Lai, BBA, MHKSMA, FCCA, AHKSA, 香港會計師公會會員,Member of the Board of Academic Advisers, Charter Management Association, Dr. Leo Lok駱健華律師, Solicitor & Notary Public, 中國人民大學法學博士 (中國高級法官培訓中心理事,Honorary President of The Asia Pacific MBA Graduates Association, Honorary President of The Hong Kong Sales And Marketing Association and Honorary President of The Hong Kong Logistics And Transport Association), Professor Patricia Sanders, Honorary President of The Charter Management Association, Professor Dr. NN Murthy Ph.D (Mgmt), FCHMA, FAPCA, FCHAD, FAPVA, Honorary Fellow, Australian-Asian Institute for Civil Leadership, Certified Professional Manager, Institute of Professional Managers, Australia, Samajashri Award from Governor of Maharashtra, Knight of Justice Honour 2004 in Germany for Educational Excellence, Full Professor of World Information Distributed University, Belgium, Honored with Royal Order by the Belgium King as Cavalier of World Order of Science, Education and Culture, Imperial Legate (Ambassador) to India, The Empire of Atlantium, Mr. W.S. Sung, EMBA, MCHAD, FACFC, FFCS, FCCA, AHKSA, CPA (香港執業會計師,英國公認秘書學會(1930) (香港分會) 顧問團成員, Member of the Board of Academic Advisers, Association of Certified Public Secretaries And Administrators, Dr. Tam Wing-Kun譚榮根名譽領事,BBS, MBE, JP, FHKLTA, FCAHT, FCAPS, FACFC, FACMC, FACPSA(國際獅子總會國際委任理事),Honorary Life President of The Hong Kong Logistics And Transport Association, and Honorary Senior President, University of Oregon Continuing Education Program Associates (Hong Kong), Professor Herman Tso, Ph.D., MBA, FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCATE, Senior Advisor of The University of Central California (Hong Kong Office), Visiting Professor of Bulacan State University, Honorary Director and Honorary Fellow of Chartered Association of Technology And Engineering, Professor Theodore O. Wallin, FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPVA, FAPCA, FCITD (Senior Member of the Board of Academic Advisers, Asia Pacific DBA Graduates Association), Dr. Mike Whitaker, FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPVA, FAPCA, Honorary Patron, Society of Business Practitioners (Hong Kong Branch) (registered under the Societies Ordinance of The Hong Kong SAR Government), Dr. Alan T.L. Wong, Honorary President, Charter Management Association, 聖約翰爵士(馬爾他)大司令官勳銜, 歐洲馬爾他騎士團特派專員, 番禺橫瀝鎮政府經濟顧問, 山西省海聯會理事, 貴州省海聯會理事, 重慶市海聯會理事, 清遠市政協之友聯誼會理事, 原香港東區區議會民選議員, Dr. Dickson Wong 王啟達大律師、會計師 ,Barrister & CPA (香港中文大學聯合書院校董會成員,香港中華總商會選任會董,Honorary President of The Hong Kong Sales And Marketing Association, and Honorary President of The Hong Kong Logistics And Transport Association) and Mr. Stephen So, Ph.D. (Cand.), MBA, FCCA, FHKSA, CPA, (香港執業會計師, Member of the Board of Academic Advisers, Charter Management Association) …等。
(1) Association of Integrated Management Professionals,
(2) Hong Kong Logistics and Transport Association,
(3) Chartered Management Association,
(4) Hong Kong Sales And Marketing Association,
(5) Chartered Association of Hotel And Tourism,
(6) Chartered Association of Accounting And Finance,
(7) Chartered Association of Financial Accountants,
(8) Association of Registered Financial Planners,
(9) Association of Certified Accounting and Taxation Professionals,
(10) Association of Certified Computing Professionals,
(11) Association of Certified Financial Controllers,
(12) Association of Certified Customer Relationship Professionals,
(13) Association of Certified Hotel and Tourism Professionals,
(14) Association of Certified Housing Managers,
(15) Association of Certified Investment Analysts,
(16) Association of Certified Logistics and Transport Professionals,
(17) Association of Certified Management Consultants,
(18) Association of Certified Marketing Professionals,
(19) Association of Certified Project Management Professionals,
(20) Association of Certified Occupational Safety And Health Professionals,
(21) Association of Certified Purchasing And Supply Managers,
(22) Association of Certified Public Secretaries And Administrators,
(23) Association of Certified Psychologists,
(24) Association of Registered Customer Relationship Professionals,
(25) Association of Registered Financial Controllers,
(26) Association of Registered Housing Managers,
(27) Association of Registered Management Consultants,
(28) Association of Registered Marketing Professionals,
(29) Association of Registered Project Management Professionals,
(30) Association of Registered Psychologists,
(31) Association of Registered Occupational Safety And Health Professionals,
(32) Association of Registered Public Secretaries And Administrators,
(33) Association of Certified Risk Planners,
(34) Asia Pacific CEO Association,
(35) Asia Pacific VIP Association,
(36) Asia Pacific Marketing CEO Association,
(37) Asia Pacific BBA Graduates Association,
(38) Asia Pacific MBA Graduates Association,
(39) Asia Pacific DBA Graduates Association,
(40) Chartered Association of Directors,
(41) Chartered Association of Continuing Education,
(42) Chartered Association of Property And Security,
(43) Chartered Association of Technology And Engineering,
(44) Chartered Institute of Training And Development,
(45) Institute of Certified Financial Strategists,
(46) Institute of Image Consultants,
(47) Registered Financial Management Planners Association……等
(註:該47個專業學會均於香港政府註冊。榮譽贊助人,贊助人,名譽會長,名譽理事,顧問團成員均為國際知名人士,包括:英國上議院亨特利侯爵, 澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員,The Hon. Dr. O.S.K. Kizango, MP, Member of Parliament (國會議員),全國人大港區代表李鵬飛CBE太平紳士,黃星華GBS, OBE太平紳士 (香港政府前房屋司兼教育署署長),蕭炯柱GBS太平紳士(香港政府前經濟司), 張有興CBE太平紳士, 雷聲隆博士(前立法局議員兼香港生產力促進局署理主席) ,李汝大名譽領事,譚榮根名譽領事,BBS, MBE, JP(國際獅子總會國際委任理事), 全國政協委員區永熙BBS太平紳士,趙偉欣局長(香港親善大使),李樂民局長 (香港親善大使), 鄭宇碩教授,Dr. Leo Lok 駱健華律師, 中國人民大學法學博士,駱炯名譽領事,Professor Keith Cornwell, Professor Patricia Sanders, Dr. Dickson Wong王啟達大律師、會計師,蔣世昌議員,MH,蕭炎坤博士(博愛醫院前主席),潘國城OBE教授(香港政府前規劃署署長),Professor Ted Wallin, Professor Peter Vernesoni, 美國康州州立中央政府大學教授,Dr. Mike Whitaker, Dr. Anthony Edwards, Dr. R.K. Dhir, Mr. Aidan Corley及楊海興教授 (上海交通大學成人教育學院院長) ,Professor Dicken Yung, Director of Asia Pacific Region of Professional Training & Education Programs, University of Oregon Continuation Center, 梁華濟博士 (香港特別行政區第九屆全國人民代表大會選舉會議成員, 美國侯斯頓市政府頒授 “榮譽市民” 及 “親善大使” 榮銜,美國肯塔基州政府頒授 “肯塔基陸軍上校” 及“親善大使” 榮譽,美國田納西州政府頒授 “親善大使” 榮銜) ,Dr. Wayne Ho, Friend of Cambridge University in Hong Kong (Life Member) and Former Honorary Consul of Costa Rica in Hong Kong, 何成偉會計師,葉泳倫會計師, Mr. Edward Lee, 香港美國總領事館前商務署商務專員,梁家楝先生,菱電發展有限公司執行董事,盧華基會計師, Mr. W.S. Sung, FCCA, CPA, 香港執業會計師, Mr. Stephen So, FCCA, FHKSA, CPA, 香港執業會計師, Mr. Sam Lai, FCCA, AHKSA, 香港會計師公會會員,Dr. Peter Kom, Chief Representative of Pacific Business Bank, USA and Former Shanghai Representative of Barclays Bank, PLC, Mr. Sunny Sy, Former General Manager of Training Division, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Dr. David Chu, JP,Honorary Patron of Charter Management Association, 中國全國政協委員及深圳大學名譽董事長, Dr. Charles Cheung, JP, Director of Global Business Bank, Philippines, Mr. David Chan,FCCA, ACIS, AHKSA, 香港會計師公會會員, Mr. Jan Lai, Former Chairman of Logic International Holdings Ltd.(A Company Listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Ltd.), Professor Vincent To, Solicitor and Notary Public, Former District Governor of Rotary International District 3450 (Hong Kong And Macau), Dr. Josiah Auyeung, Former President of Lions Club of Castle Peak and Director of Yan Chai Hospital (1988-89, 1991-92, 1993-94), Professor Patrick Peng Xi-Hu,盧錦華先生,循道衛理中心總幹事, Mr. Steven Wong, Former Chairman of Po Leung Kuk, Mr. Andrew Wong, Chairman of the Scout Association of Hong Kong – Kowloon Region and Past Chairman of The Federation of Hong Kong Watch Trades & Industries Ltd., Dr. T.T. Yuen, FHKSA, CPA, 香港執業會計師, Former District Committee Chairman of Lions International District 303 Hong Kong & Macau, Dr. Simon Cheng, 中國桂平市政協委員, Former Director of Pok Oi Hospital and Regional Chairman of the Community Chest for The Chest Organising Committee, Mr. John Chong, LL.M., Solicitor, Mr. Samuel Lee, LL.B. (U of London), Mr. John Ho, Vice President of The United Overseas Bank Group, Mr. Raymond Siu, ACCA, AHKSA, 香港會計師公會會員,Capt. Wee Chye-Huat, Former Executive Director/CEO of Freight Links Express (HK) Ltd. (A Company Listed in The Hong Kong Stock Exchange Ltd.), Mr. Jimmy Yau, ACCA, AHKSA, 香港會計師公會會員, Mr. Nelson Ho, Chartered Building Surveyor, Mr. Lawrence Wong, Former Director of C.Y. Leung & Co. Ltd. (Hong Kong), Mr. Owen Law, Former Dealing Director and Head of Commodities Dealing & Non-Equity Settlement of Celestial Commodities Ltd., member of Celestial Asia Securities Holdings Ltd. (a Company Listed in The Hong Kong Stock Exchange Ltd.), Mr. Peter Yip, Chartered Engineer (UK)…. 等。 修畢專業學會指定之少數學科後,學員可申請成為會員Associate Member, 同時可獲推薦申請報讀美國著名州立政府大學 Central Connecticut State University (1849) 計劃即將在中國/香港舉辦之Postgraduate Certificate in (i) Corporate Governance & Directorship, (ii.) Business Administration (iii.) Project Management, (iv.) Financial Planning (v.) Logistics And Transport Management, (vi.) Hotel & Tourism Management, (vii.) International Marketing, (viii.) Human Resources Management, (ix.) Crisis & Risk Management, (x.) Recreation & Sports Management…等。 會員可獲推薦申請報讀英國著名百年名牌大學,例如Robert Gordon University (1731) 之兩個遙距碩士學位課程 MSc International Marketing Management & MSc Tourism Management, 及Heriot-Watt University (1821) 之遙距MBA學位課程,美國著名政府大學『康州州立中央政府大學(1849)』多個深造證書課程Postgraduate Certificate Programs, 及美國著名大學Teikyo Post University (1890) 之4 個Final-Year On-line Degree completion programs等。
Remarks: It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. CMS is an exempted School, and its diplomas are not assessed and accredited by the HKCAAVQ.
Congratulations are warmly extended to our CMS graduates, viz. Messrs. Y.K. Chan, K.H. Chan,
H.Y.Cheung, H.K. Cheung, S.Y. Lo and B.K. Yu who have recently successfully completed the Executive Programs of The Yale University (1701) and The Stanford University (1891)!
Congratulations are also warmly extended to our members of the above-listed professional
associations, viz. Mr. Y.K. Chan, Y.S. Chan, H.Y. Cheung, K.P. Chin, S.C. Ho, S.W. Lau,
S.Y. Lo, Joe Nip and B.K. Yu who have recently successfully completed the Executive Programs of
The Yale University (1701) and The Stanford University (1891)!
Congratulations are also warmly extended to our CMS graduates, viz. Messrs. H.Y. Cheung
and M.W. Yuen who have recently successfully completed the Executive Program on Negotiation of The Harvard University (1636)!
Congratulations are also warmly extended to our members of the above-listed professional
associations, viz. Messrs. H.Y. Cheung, S.P. Woon and M.W. Yuen who have successfully
completed the Executive Program on Negotiation of The Harvard University (1636)!